My 22nd week at SWI

Today is Good Friday. I finally made my decision to go home: it will be next Saturday, April 22. My new Fry Lab test reconfirmed that I am safe to go home. The end of the treatment is the beginning of the healing. So I will continue to detox at home. I plan to do the following:

1) Footbath twice a week. (

I have not done many footbaths at SWI, but I had had many sessions before I came to SWI.  It is economical to do it at home especially at one's own convenience. (My foot bath 2 days ago, the color indicates my joint being detoxed)

2) Home colonic (

I won’t do it commercially again. This is the wonderful alternative recommended by the colonist at SWI.

3) I will purchase an infrared sauna tent (  

I don’t like the “real wooden one” because I want to breath fresh air.

4) I hope CBD oil can help give me a good nights sleep. I need to experiment with it. I am not going to get into the controversy of cannabidiol oil usage.  I will just have to figure it out at my own pace. The good thing is that in California, I will be living in a state where it is legal. I am still doing research and trying to learn from other people. I know many people at the SWI clinic have had good experience with it.

5)  I will grow wheat grass again, juice the wheat grass, and use the wheat grass both for enemas and baths. Before arriving at SWI I already had good experience with wheat grass. But unlike my own last year, I will not be trying to use too much raw food. Parasites can be an issue with raw food if they are not handled right. I will use fruit grade H2O2 to make sure that the wheat grass I grow has no mold nor parasites.

6)  I will use Chinese moxibustion to channel out the toxins , and subsequently my immune system will be enhanced.  I can talk a lot about this ancient technique, but it is too much to fit in this week’s blog.

7) I have to be very careful and selective as to what I eat and where I go. I have learned so much from SWI, and I am not here to say too much for now.

At this moment, I am still subject to ups and downs, but I know that a huge amount of toxins have been pushed out of my body. I am not in a position to draw any conclusions, but I keep a very open mind as to what will happen.

The people I met at SWI are truly great and have been fighting together like worriers in this unknown territory. This can only result in very strong friendships. I have met so many amazing people, and I am a bit too emotional to talk about them at this moment.

These 5 months have not been easy, and I look forward to having a good ending next week.  I am not yet feeling reborn, but I believe I am on the right path.


How my red blood cells looked when the biofilm was busted open

After a few weeks treatment, my red blood cells looked clean


I will also do the following:

  • coffee enema and liver flush
  • avoid gluten and dairy food
  • adequate exercise (don't run before I can walk)
  • organic food, pay attention to food with high histamine
  • to cure the gut is crucial, Chinese medicine should be considered in that regard.
  • lots and lots of laughter😊😊😊😊😊

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