More inside information about Stemaid at Los Cabos, Mexico

Yesterday I sent out quite a few messages to people I know who once had Lyme disease, and I received quite a few inquires.  I am going to answer those common questions, so if anyone is considering going to Stemaid at Los Cabos, Mexico, you may have fewer worries 😄😄.

Question 1:  Is Los Cabos a dangerous place?

My answer:  Los Cabos is one of the most beautiful places I have ever been.  Especially now that it is winter time, for Los Cabos it is the best holiday season. But being beautiful does not mean being safe?  Yes, but from what I saw, it is extremely safe as well.   The clinic is located in a gated community, so no strangers can enter anyway.  I love the Mexican people because they are so warm and hospitable.  On the street, half of the people I met spoke English, and all the shop owners speak English.  A supermarket is within walking distance (15 minutes).  From the clinic, I was able to walk to the ocean, and I often walked alone the golf course.  In my opinion, Los Cabos is not only beautiful, but safe.  Find out more on your own 😄.

Question 2: How expensive is the treatment?  What services are covered? How long will it take?

My answer:  Like many of you who have chronic illness, our family is facing financial difficulties.  Stemaid restored my health like no other wellness center has even done, and it cost the least of the places I have been.  Even if you are terribly sick, you are not likely to stay there for more than 6 weeks.  In addition, all supplements, food, and therapies are included.  In my experience with other clinics, you pay before you have any extra service, even though most of these additional services are required.  Now Stemaid is running a promotion for Lyme patients, and I am lucky to have taken advantage of it.  I don't know how long the promotion will last.  I can only give you the information that applied to me.

What exactly is covered during the treatment?
1) IVs (Stem cells everyday, Vitamins), Chelation therapy, Ozone therapy, Massage and other physical therapy, Photon-infrared Sauna, etc;
2) All supplements needed during and immediately after the treatment period;
3) Organic meals: lunch, snacks, vegetable/fruit juice. 
4) Stem cell facials 💇🏻

Dr. Hanly discusses with you your progress daily, and she adjusts your treatment protocol accordingly😄😄😄😄. 

Question 3: What kind of accommodations can I expect? Is the Mexican food in Los Cabos safe? How do you get to the clinic from the hotel/condo?

My answer: Los Cabos is essentially a brand new city close to the ocean.  Before I went, I was most worried about the hotel being moldy.  We booked a Hilton Hotel.  It turned out that all hotels there were brand new, so mold is not even an issue.  However, I would advise you to rent an apartment/condo from airbnb, because that is the most likely way you can get a good deal.  Hotel price: $70 and up; apartment price: $60 and up.  I was lucky enough to be offered to stay in the condo above the clinic.  So, if you are very sick or need a wheelchair, please ask for that option.  There is only one clinic condo available now.  

I love their food! So delicious!  Not only is the food offered at the clinic is good, I heard from other patients that when they ate out at a nearby organic food restaurant, it was so good!  I never tried it because I ordered my dinner from the clinic, so I didn't have to worry about making mistakes.  I cooked my own meals only on Sunday.  A very nice supermarket "La Comer" is just a 15 minute walk away.  You can call a cab if you prefer for several dollars.  However, to be extra safe I bought bottled water from Walmart.   This is an issue we pay most attention to at home, because we always buy water or use our filter water at home.  

Transportation is the least problem you need to worry about.  A driver hired by the clinic will pick you up at the airport.  Depending on the time of the day, the driver either will take you to the clinic or where you stay.  As a service provided by the clinic, you get picked up everyday, and you will be taken back after the treatment.  As a separate issue, for fun we paid $45/day to rent a car to have a tour of Las Cabos and the close-by towns.  My goodness, I asked my husband when we could come to live here😏🗣?

( I do have an agent's information for finding a place to rent, and if you ask me,  I can give you his contact information.  Alternatively, airbnb is the best place to start your search. )

Question 4: Is stem cell treatment safe?  Are ESC stem cells ethical?  How were the stem cells acquired?  

My answer:  It is very safe in my opinion.  Please get the information at Stemaid's official website: ; also you should look into all the comments posted on Facebook: . I will write my own personal story on this particular issue soon, such as "How I went through all the difficulties to get my stem cell treatment at Stemaid?" and I will write another post on this topic.

To give a brief answer to the above questions, for now I will quote what Dr. Hanly replied to one of my friend's inquiry: 

" Dear ----:

I understand your concern and agree with you that cells are often given dead or frozen ( at least 50% dead) which is nonsense to me.

Our cells are delivered alive, prepared every day fresh from the lab.

I have attached a document that describes the type of cells that we offer. Our initial line came from a blastocyst given by parents who had their babies via IVF and this blastocyst was meant to be destroyed by the clinic. Most of our lines now are derived from skin cells.

We offer the possibility to look at a dish full of our stem cells with a microscope for those who have an interest.

Please feel free to ask any question you may have.

Kind regards

Brigitte Hanly, PhD "

I personally did a lot of research on ESC stem cells before making my decision to go to Stemaid, and most of my information was from online.  To start with, you might want to search "ESC stem cells" on Youtube.  You can see that there are many different opinions, and at that point you can make up your own mind.  Good luck for your recovery💃💃💃💃.  With ESC stem cell therapy, I believe your chance of recovery is very high🌸🌸🌸🌸.  

2 thoughts on “More inside information about Stemaid at Los Cabos, Mexico

  • Jun, That is an absolutely beautiful presentation. Very well done!! Thank you for sharing and I can hear your happiness in your improved wellness throughout your writing. Your description of StemAid is very appealing and incredibly helpful. Just reading your description creates a strong desire to pursue the healing options at StemAid and visit the beauty of the area. You have made it very clear what StemAid is all about. It sounds like a positive experience with results toward wellness once again. A wonderland message.

    • Karen, thanks for your comments! Having been through those days wandering in darkness without any hope, all I want is to inspire one more person to find his/her own cure.

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