Today I went  to see my ND Dr. Koperski.  This is the third time I visited her office.  I was really sick when I went the first time and I did not even trust her.  I went to her for some prescription initially and had no intention to see her again.  However she gently acknowledged my concerns and agreed with me to whatever she could.  Somehow she won my trust and I decided I would Read more about ND VS MD[…]

2-month detox (July 3 – Sept 3)

Today, Sept 3, 2018 marks the completion of my 2 month’s detox.  Of course my detox journey is still far from complete even though I feel pretty good.  It is like God’s gift that I am now able to take a nap after lunch and I even dream during my naps! I gained 20 lbs and now I am at a perfect weight relative to my height (5’7″) 🤣😍.  I am even having energy to tend Read more about 2-month detox (July 3 – Sept 3)[…]

It hurts me to see you suffering, my dear friend

I only met her once; that was in April 2018 in Los Cabos, Mexico.  I could hardly remember her name when she reached me after I published my first update in late July.  Oh, I remembered  her right away.  I would call her Ms M.  Yes she and I were the sickest at the clinic in April and I was too tired to even talk to her but just acknowledge that we were on the Read more about It hurts me to see you suffering, my dear friend[…]

Jun’s update on August 21

Oh well, I have been so busy and I can hardly remember being sick!  Tomorrow the kids start their school, and I will have more time for myself hopefully. I have so much to do in the house, to keep up with friends, and to re-establish myself in the society.  Most importantly I will keep improving my health.  After I get everything done my next job is trying to help those who are still suffering.  Read more about Jun’s update on August 21[…]

Jun’s update as of July 31 2018

I  have received quite a few inquires as to why I disappeared after January 2018,  when it seemed that I should be continuing my wonderful journey to a full recovery after stem cell treatment.  Well, things did not turn out the way I had expected.  I began to get sick again around the time of the New Year, and my health continued to deteriorate … Luckily my deterioration ended recently, and I am once again Read more about Jun’s update as of July 31 2018[…]

How am I doing?

When I left Stemaid, I wanted to take it easy for at least 3 months, I planned to write an update every month.  However, I was not able to do either.  First of all, I found out I was in the middle of a mess when I got home: things I left behind for 3 years; I had neglected my kids and their activities for about the same length of time, etc etc.  Everyday I Read more about How am I doing?[…]

stemaid daily log-2

Jun’s daily log -1 Monday, Oct 9th, 2017 Last night I fell asleep after taking 0.5mg Klonopin, and I felt fine in the morning.  I think I really should start weaning off the Klonopin.  Seriously! I even fell asleep after lunch.   A phone call from Bonnie woke up me.  After that I still felt good, but I still have a headache.  Today I had my second ozone treatment.  I can’t wait until tomorrow to feel the Read more about stemaid daily log-2[…]